Open relam Argus x1-x5

- Gold = 1x
- Honor = 1x
- Reputation = 1x
- XP = 1x-5x (Rates of XP are customizable and can be set between x1 and x5)
Start game
Content on this realm will be opened gradually in several steps. Each step will bring new arena season and(or) opening of new raids.
- The system of gaining experience in groups is in effect, if there are two people in a group, the bonus will be x2, if there are more than 2 people in a group, the bonus will be x3. Bonus activation occurs if group members are not more than 100 meters from each other and the difference in levels does not exceed 4.
Plan of the content opening (approximate dates)
Game client is always on 7.3.5 version, you don't need to update it every time. Information below is about availability of the game content.
Server starts with a 7.0.3 patch:
3 days after the start we will open such Legion dungeons as: Black Rook Hold, Darkheart Thicket, Eye of Azshara, Halls of Valor, Maw of Souls, Neltharion's Lair, Vault of the Wardens, Violet Hold
7 days after the start we will open Emerald Nightmare(Normal, Heroic) raid and begin Vindictive Gladiator: Legion Season 1(Prestige max 4)
14 days after the start we will open Emerald Nightmare(Mythic) raid( last boss's first kill rewards )
Levels of available items:
- Legendaries (910)
- Non-legendaries (880)
- World Quests (805 - 850)
- Legion Mythic Dungeons (840)
- Legion Heroic Dungeons (825)
- Legion Normal Dungeons (805)
- Crafted Gear (815-850)
- Class Hall Set (810-840)
- World Bosses (850)
- Reputation Gear (820-850)
- TimeWalking(815)
45(March 8) days after the start we will take a next step and update realm to 7.1.0 patch wich leads us to:
Opening of 5ppl - Lower Return to Karazhan, Upper Return to Karazhan
7(March 15) days after the start of 7.1.0 we will open Trial of Valor(Normal, Heroic) raid
14(March 22) days after the start of 7.1.0 we will open Trial of Valor(Mythic) raid (achievement for last boss's first kill)
Available equipment level change:
- Non-legendaries (895)
90(April 19) days after the start we will update game version to 7.1.5, and it leads to:
Opening of 5ppl - The Arcway, Court of Stars
Beginning of Fearless Gladiator: Legion Season 2(Prestige max 9)
14(May 3) days after the start of 7.1.5 we will open The Nighthold(Normal, Heroic) raid
21(May 10) days after the start of 7.1.5 we will open The Nighthold(Mythic) raid( last boss's first kill rewards )
Available equipment level change:
- Legendaries (940)
- Non-legendaries (925)
180(July 12) days after the start we will make a 7.2.0 update and get:
Opening of Broken Shore
Beginning of Cruel Gladiator: Legion Season 3(Prestige max 13)
New equipment levels:
- Dauntless (850)
- Relinquished(for Nethershards) (880)
- Legion Mythic Dungeons (865)
- Legion Heroic Dungeons (845)
- Legion Normal Dungeons (825)
- World Quests (870)
- Class Hall Set (870)
- TimeWalking(850)
270(October 4) days after the start we will change patch to 7.2.5 and there will be:
Opening of 5ppl - Cathedral of Eternal Night
14(October 18) days after the start 7.2.5 we will open The Tomb of Sargeras(Normal, Heroic) raid
21(October 25) days after the start 7.2.5 we will open The Tomb of Sargeras(Mythic) raid( last boss's first kill rewards )
Beginning of Ferocious Gladiator: Legion Season 4 (Prestige max 17)
New equipment levels:
- Legendaries (970);
- Non-legendaries (955)
360(December 27) days after the start we will make a 7.3.0 update and it will lead to:
Argus opening
Beginning of Fierce Gladiator: Legion Season 5 (Prestige max 21)
New equipment levels:
- Unsullied (880)
- Relinquished(for Argunite) (910)
450 days after the start we will update server to 7.3.2 patch and get:
Opening of 5ppl - The Seat of the Triumvirate
14 days after the start 7.3.2 we will open Antorus, the Burning Throne(Normal, Heroic) raid
21 days after the start 7.3.2 we will open Antorus, the Burning Throne(Mythic) raid( last boss's first kill rewards )
Beginning of Dominant Gladiator: Legion Season 6 (Prestige max 24)
Equipment level changes:
- Legendaries (1000)
- Non-legendaries (985)
- World Quests (890)
- Legion Mythic Dungeons (885)
- Legion Heroic Dungeons (865)
- Legion Normal Dungeons (845)
- Crafted Gear (900)
- Argus Crafted Gear (935)
- Argus World Bosses (930)
- TimeWalking(880)
And at last 540 days the start we will make a 7.3.5 update and begin Demonic Gladiator: Legion Season 7 (Prestige max 25)
Start game
More info...
Attention!!! All terms and information are approximate and may change over time!