We are opening new realm Argus x100

Realm will be opened on April 12th at 18.00 GMT
Info:- Gold = 3x
- Drop = 5x
- Honor = 1x
- Reputation = 1x
- XP = 5x-100x (Rates of XP are customizable and can be set between x5 and x100)
- Game Type PVP
- Artifact Knowledge 55
All content will be available immediately.
Free character transfer
Version of required game client is 7.3.5.
Change logs
General Implemented(You can check everything on PTR)
- World quests
- Mythic+
- Brawler's guild
- The Underbelly
- Sentinax
- Invasion Points
- PvP brawls
- Pet Battle and Pet Battle Dungeon
- Timewalking
- NPC Scaling
- Quest Scaling
- All Arenas
- All BG
- Premade Groups
Equipment level:
- Legendaries (1000)
- Non-legendaries (985)
- World Quests (890)
- Legion Mythic Dungeons (885)
- Legion Mythic+ Dungeons (890- 940)
- Legion Oplote (905 - 960)
- Legion Heroic Dungeons (865)
- Legion Normal Dungeons (845)
- Crafted Gear (900)
- Argus Crafted Gear (935)
- Argus World Bosses (930)
- Halls of Valor - Open and fully scripted
- Maw of Souls - Open and fully scripted
- Darkheart thicket - Open and fully scripted
- The Arcway - Open and fully scripted
- Eye of Azshara - Open and fully scripted
- Black Rook Hold - Open and fully scripted
- Neltharion's Lair - Open and fully scripted
- Violet Hold - Open and fully scripted
- Vault of the Wardens - Open and fully scripted
- Court of Stars - Open and fully scripted
- Cathedral of Eternal Night - Open and fully scripted
- Return to Karazhan - Open and fully scripted
- The Seat of the Triumvirate - Open and fully scripted
- The Emerald Nightmare - Open and fully scripted
- The Nighthold - Open and fully scripted
- Trial of Valor - Open and fully scripted
- Tomb of Sargeras - Open and fully scripted
- Antorus, the Burning Throne - Fully scripted (14 days after the start we will open Normal and Heroic,
21 days after the start we will open Mythic (first kill rewards))
- Level Dungeon Chest Class Hall Chest
- 2 890 905
- 3 890 910
- 4 895 915
- 5 900 920
- 6 905 920
- 7 905 925
- 8 910 925
- 9 910 930
- 10 915 935
- 11 920 940 (10+ after open Antorus, the Burning Throne Mythic)
- 12 925 945
- 13 930 950
- 14 935 955
- 15 940 960
Vindictive Gladiator: Legion Season 1 (Prestige max 25):
- non-rate 915 Combantant
- 0 - 1399 930 Gladiator
- 1400 - 1599 940 Gladiator
- 1600 - 1799 950 Gladiator
- 1800 - 1999 955 Gladiator
- 2000 - 2199 960 Elite
- 2200 - 2399 965 Elite
- 2400+ 975 Elite
Start Game
Attention!!! All terms and information are approximate and may change over time!